Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy for MyPrime App


Please read and accept the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy if you wish to continue to use “MyPrime”. 

The following will apply when you use this service: 

  1. In order to avail the ‟Locate Prime Bank Limited” service, Customer grant Prime Bank Limited the right to use customer’s device’s actual location. 
  2. To use “Banking”, “Bills Pay” and “Fund Transfer” services of this, Customer agrees to all Terms & Conditions related to MyPrime as stated hereunder.        

Privacy Policy  

This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) sets out how we will use and handle customer’s personal data, including any data collected. This Privacy Policy may change at any time in the future and customer’s continued access to or use of this shall mean that Customer agree to the changes. 

Use of location data 

Certain services, including the locator, use information about customer’s physical location sent from customer’s device 


Use of making and managing phone calls 

This service allows Customer to call Prime Bank Limited hotline, our branches and different merchants and partner‟ outlets. Standard call rates of customer’s mobile operator shall apply. 

Terms and Conditions for Internet Banking Enrollment 

In consideration of customer’s (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”) acceptance of the terms and conditions for the alternative distribution channels of Prime Bank Limited (the “Bank”), i.e. Internet Banking Service- referred to as MyPrime (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Services” and individually as a “Service”), the Bank agrees to provide the Services subject to their respective terms and conditions along with the common terms and conditions hereunder.  Common Terms and Conditions 


All the terms and conditions of the Services and the Common Terms and Conditions are legally binding, so please read them carefully. Customer signature at the end of the terms and conditions of the Account opening or Card application form implies that he/she has read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions of Prime Bank Limited’s Internet Banking products and services listed below. 

MyPrime is the internet banking service platform offered by Prime Bank Limited (PRIME BANK LIMITED) to Customer, our valued customer (hereinafter “Customer”) under the Terms and Conditions mentioned herein. 

1. Definitions 


1.1 PBL or Bank refers to Prime Bank Limited. 

1.2 MyPrime refers to the internet banking service offered by Prime Bank Limited. 

1.3 Account refers to any CASA and/or Savings Account. 

1.4 Customer refers to individuals maintaining a CASA/Savings account or Card with Prime Bank Limited. 

1.5 Card refers to Prime Bank Limited Credit Card/Prepaid Card/Debit Card held by customer. 

1.6 User ID or MyPrime ID refers to the User Identification Number, provided by Prime Bank Limited to the Customer in order to use MyPrime. 

1.7 Two Factor Security Token (2FA Token) is a SMS/Email token to generate one-time password for using Fund Transfer transactions.  

1.8 BEFTN refers to Bangladesh Electronic Fund Transfer Network as per the rules of Bangladesh Bank and the amendments thereto, made from time to time. 

1.9 NPSB refers to National Payment Switch Bangladesh as per the rules of Bangladesh Bank and the amendments thereto, made from time to time. 

1.10 RTGS refers to Real Time Gross Settlement as per the rules of Bangladesh Bank and the amendments thereto, made from time to time. 

1.11 Biller refers to a utility service provider to the Customer. 

1.12 PCI DSS refers to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, is an information security standard created to increase controls around cardholder data to reduce fraud. 


2. Services 


2.1 Device Requirements 

MyPrime works on compatible devices with internet connectivity such as smartphones, tablets 

2.2 Access 

Customer must keep the device secured and close/shut down the MyPrime when Customer are not using it. If Customer suspect someone else of knowing customer’s User ID and/or Password or other security details Customer must contact us immediately by calling our Contact Center (16218). The same applies in the case of lost or stolen password. If Customer fail to do so, Customer may be liable for any and all unauthorized transaction(s) on customer’s account that may take place. It is recommended that Customer do not save customer’s MyPrime ID or password in any of customer’s devices or web browsers for future use. 

3. Customer Responsibilities and Undertakings 


3.1 Customer hereby acknowledges that smartphones and tabs as well as other compatible device(s) used to access MyPrime Internet Banking Services are subject to the same security risks as device(s) used and agree that it is customer’s responsibility to maintain anti-virus and anti-spyware programs on customer’s device(s). 

3.2 Customer agrees to exercise caution when using the MyPrime Internet Banking Service on customer’s device(s). Any losses, charges and unauthorized transactions involving customer’s account(s) that are incurred through loss of customer’s device or customer’s failure to safeguard customer’s security credentials (such as user name, password, fingerprint, biometric) to access the MyPrime Internet Banking Service on customer’s device will remain customer’s responsibility. 

3.3 Should the device requirements be modified with a view to improving or upgrading the MyPrime Service, the Bank shall in no way be responsible for the resultant costs of any new device or service provider connection required so as to use the MyPrime Internet Banking Service on customer’s device, and any such resultant costs will be borne by Customer. 

3.4 In the event that Customer face problems with regards to connectivity or other access related difficulties relating to customer’s device, web browser and/or network operator, it is customer’s responsibility to liaise with the concerned service provider and attempt to find a solution to the relevant problem prior to contacting the Bank. 

3.5 By participating in the MyPrime Service on any of the eligible devices Customer agrees that the service may require the use of customer’s device’s data, location and text messaging capabilities and that standard data and text messaging charges apply in accordance with customer’s service agreement with the mobile service provider. If Customer uses these services, Customer gives consent to us the transmission, collection, maintenance, processing and use of customer’s location data and queries to provide and improve location-based products and services. Customer may withdraw this consent at any time by turning off the location services settings on customer’s device. 

3.6 After the first use of any of the MyPrime services, Customer will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by terms and conditions of the relevant services. 

3.7 Customer hereby agrees that all information provided to the Bank in relation to the Services are true, up-to date and complete. 

3.8 Customer hereby acknowledges that there may be a time lag in transmission of instructions, information or communication via Smartphone/Tab/Web/Internet. 

3.9 Customer agrees, understands and undertakes to protect, defend, hold harmless, indemnify and keep the Bank and its shareholders, directors, employees and officers fully indemnified of, from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, liabilities, obligations, demands, penalties, actions, causes of action, proceedings, judgments, suits, costs and expenses of any kind (including legal costs) and howsoever arising which are imposed or may be imposed on, incurred or that may be incurred, asserted or which may be asserted against, suffered or that may be suffered by the Bank or be required to be paid by reason of or as a result of the Bank’s compliance with customer’s use of the MyPrime and to fully, irrevocably and forever waive, release and discharge and relieve the Bank from any and all claims, obligations and rights whatsoever and howsoever arising, that Customer may have against the Bank (if any) by reason of or as a result of the Bank’s compliance with customer’s use of the MyPrime. 

3.10 Customer agrees, understands and authorizes MyPrime to collect customer information (i.e. contacts, external storage, location related data) to enhance the customer experience with new features.

4. Account Requirements 


To be eligible to use MyPrime services, customer must either maintain at least one CASA (Current & Savings Account) or a credit or prepaid card with the Bank. However, MyPrime services will allow the customer to access more than one account. The Bank reserves the right to deny access or to limit access or transactions or to revoke access to MyPrime services without advance notice to customer at its sole discretion. The service shall be provided to Customer of the Bank above or equal to age of 18 with complete civil capacity. 

5. Customers Discretion to Customer ID, Password and Security 


5.1 Upon the Customer’s registration for the Internet Banking, the Bank will provide each Customer with unique customer identification code (“MyPrime ID”) with a temporary password. 

5.2 Customer can log in to the MyPrime by using the User ID and Password via email/SMS after self-registration. It is mandatory to change the password after the customer logs in to the MyPrime services for the first time as a safety measure. Customers are requested to change their passwords frequently thereafter to avoid any possible hacking, inherent risk of misuse/fraudulent use etc. of their account(s) via MyPrime services. 

5.3 Customer acknowledges that the User ID and the Password shall act as his/her authorized signature when using MyPrime. This authorizes and validates instructions given to the Bank by the customer through the use of MyPrime, and shall be treated in the same manner and have the same effect as an actual signature for the purpose of availing the Service. Every transaction that is made using the MyPrime including, but not limited to, accessing account/card information, making account transfers, giving transfer related instructions, paying bills, etc. initiated after entering the correct Password shall be deemed to be initiated by the customer. 

5.4 Customer must ensure that their account or card details, and other information they provided, are correct and up to date and notify us as soon as these change. 

5.5 The customer will be able to reset his MyPrime password by providing his card or account credentials. Based on verification, the customer would receive a temporary password to access his MyPrime ID and would be asked to change the password.  

5.6 For ensuring extra security in Fund Transfer through MyPrime, the Bank has made Two Factor Security Token (2FA Token) mandatory. The customer does not require to acquire new token for transaction as the 6-digit security passcode (OTP) would be sent over to customers over SMS or email. It is their responsibility to ensure the safe keeping of the 2FA key, key number, SMS inbox and email and these should not be shared with any person to avoid any fraudulent activities. 

5.7 Customers hereby acknowledge and understand the inherent risk of accessing banking services over the Internet and availing the MyPrime in their devices and accordingly are advised to take all necessary precautions to safeguard themselves from such risks. 

5.8 Customer will be responsible for all transfer/transaction authorized through MyPrime services. The Customer shall be responsible for the proper and authorized use, confidentiality and authority of the MyPrime Password for access to each account whether through the web or via the MyPrime app and take every possible care to prevent unauthorized use of the MyPrime Password for the Account. 

5.9 The Customer acknowledges that the MyPrime Password is not used for the purpose of detecting errors in communication and any such communication shall be deemed to be those of the Customer. 

5.10 The Customer will be responsible for all transfers, withdrawals, transactions and instructions initiated or originated by use of the MyPrime Password. 

6. Customer Authorizations and Instructions


6.1 The Customer irrevocably authorizes the Bank: 

6.1.1 To act on all instructions given or apparently given through the MyPrime access to Account in the name of the Customer, and 

6.1.2 To debit or credit the appropriate Account or Card accordingly without taking any further steps to authenticate the instruction. 

6.2 If the Customer gives instructions contrary to these MyPrime Terms or otherwise, the Bank may at its discretion without advance notice to the Customer and without affecting the other rights of the Bank: 

6.3 Refuse those instructions, 

6.4 Reverse bill payments or inter-Account transfers made on those instructions, 

6.5 Suspend or stop the Account for any period of time. However, if the Customer asks the Bank to reverse the instruction after the Customer has given it the Bank may at its discretion try to do so to the extent that this is possible under the rules and practices of the banking system. The Customer agrees that the Customer will be responsible for any costs the Bank incurs as a result. 

6.6 If the Bank comes to believe that an instruction may not have been properly authorized by the Customer, the Bank shall be entitled, after making reasonable efforts to check whether it was properly authorized, to take steps to reverse any action taken on the basis of that instruction without notifying the Customer.

6.7 The Bank shall not be responsible for any loss to the Customer that results from such a reversal. 

7. Cut-off Time 


When the Customer gives an instruction via the MyPrime Service, the Bank will act on that instruction in accordance with the cut-off times notified to the Customer through the MyPrime Service. From time to time the Bank may notify the Customer of changes to these cut-off times. Instructions given at any other time may not be acted on until the next business day.  

8. Applicability of Other Terms 


Subject to the variance and changes made in these MyPrime terms, the Common Terms and Conditions so far practicable shall be applicable for the MyPrime service. 

9. Fund Transfer 


9.1 Services: 

9.1.1 Customer will be solely responsible for all financial transactions via MyPrime. Fund Transfers can be made from customer’s account to another account held with Prime Bank Limited. Fund Transfers can be initiated for a bank account maintained with other banks with the help of BEFTN, NPSB or RTGS. Therefore, Bangladesh Bank rules & regulations for BEFTN, NPSB and RTGS are applicable (please read the Terms and Conditions regarding this from the Bangladesh Bank website). Also, Fund Transfers can be initiated for a valid MFS Wallet (i.e. bKash, Nagad, Rocket etc.) through the channel maintained with Prime Bank Limited.  

9.1.2 For Fund Transfers to accounts maintained with other Banks, PRIME BANK LIMITED will send the fund transfer request through the chosen method- BEFTN, NPSB, RTGS or MFS. The time taken to process the transfer will depend on the beneficiary bank or MFS provider.

9.1.3 Customer is fully responsible for putting in the correct account number and transaction amount for the fund transfer request. Prime Bank Limited will not be liable for any erroneous transactions arising out of or relating to Customer, the User, entering wrong account numbers and/or amounts. 

9.1.4 Maximum amount of transaction limit is subject to change from time to time at Prime Bank Limited’s sole discretion.  

9.1.5 For transactions made after working hours or on public/bank holidays, value date will be the next working day. 

9.1.6 No transaction is allowed from a non-convertible taka account to a convertible account through MyPrime. Transactions from Foreign Currency Accounts are also not allowed. 

10. Anti-money Laundering 


Customer hereby agrees and confirms that Customer will not use the MyPrime service for money laundering or any other illegal, unlawful purpose. 

10.1 Customer will fully comply with the laws related to the money laundering and shall not use the MyPrime service for any unlawful, anti-terrorism or anti-state activities. 

10.2 Prime Bank Limited reserves the right to demand explanation from Customer regarding any matter pertaining to money laundering and anti-terrorism law of the country. 

10.3 Customer undertakes to fully indemnify the bank for any loss, economic or otherwise, should Customer be involved, directly or indirectly, in the act of money laundering.  

11. Bill Payment Services


11.1 Eligibility 

Bill Payment Service is only available to Customers of the Bank who are already Customers of the Bank’s MyPrime Service, and shall cover all the utility bill payments of different Billers with which the Bank has agreement in writing. 

11.2 Scope of the Service 

The Bank will provide Bill Payment Service to Customers for paying utility bills through the MyPrime with payment instructions containing details of the Customer and utility bills as mutually agreed between the Bank and the Biller from time to time. 

11.3 Instructions 

11.3.1 The Customer, through MyPrime, will issue instructions to the Bank for payment of an amount to the Biller’s account against the Customer’s utility bill by debiting designated Customer Account or credit/prepaid at his/her own risk and responsibility. After satisfactory verification and transmission of such instructions for payment, the Customer will be issued a unique confirmation reference number (the “Confirmation”) visible on the computer/phone/tab screen. A copy of the page containing the unique confirmation reference number will be accepted by the Biller as payment against the Customer’s utility bill, subject to subsequent confirmation from the Bank. 

11.3.2 It is the responsibility of the Customer to select or type the correct payee’s name, address, amount, and account number or credit/prepaid/debit card number of the Biller. The Bank shall not be responsible if the Customer makes any mistake by selecting the incorrect payee, providing an incorrect address or account number, or any other error or omission. 

11.3.3 Payment instructions initiated through MyPrime against insufficient or unavailable funds in the Account or credit/prepaid card of the Customer and which are not covered by a prior overdraft agreement with the Bank, shall not be processed. There is no obligation on the part of Prime Bank Limited to notify

Customer in case a payment does not go through either due to insufficient funds or for any other reason. 

11.4 Statements and Record Retention 

11.4.1 Periodically, the Bank shall e-mail or deliver statements of the Account or card(s) of the Customer, which shall include utility bill payment details to the Customer. 

11.4.2 The Customer will review the periodic statement and inform the Bank in writing within ten (10) business days from the date of the statement of any discrepancies. 

11.4.3 The Account or Card information and transactions will be recorded and retained for one year as to be usable for subsequent reference.  

11.5 Transaction Value Date 

Any transaction made on holiday (Weekly, public or Bank holidays i.e. 1st July or 31st December) or after Bank’s MyPrime Service system cut-off time, the transaction value date will be the next working day. The Bank shall not be responsible for any loss of interest or liability incurred/suffered by the Customer including but not limited to return of cheques, loss of interest or loss of exchange rate arising due to such transaction being not shown on the day the same actually occurred. 

11.6 Availability of the Service 

It is acknowledged by the Customer that the provision of the Bill Payment Service and MyPrime access to Customer’s Account is dependent upon the availability of communication, processing and function and other facilities of the applicable systems. The Bank cannot warrant such availability at all times. The service can be interrupted due to several technical and/or other reasons. The Bank cannot always ensure access to its website. The Bank shall be entitled to suspend or disconnect or discontinue the provision of the Bill Payment Service and MyPrime access to the Customer Account or credit/prepaid card(s) with or without any prior notice to the Customer and/or Biller for the purpose of carrying out of maintenance, upgrades or other works. In the event of the Bank suspends, disconnects or terminates the Electronic Utility Bill Payment Service or MyPrime access to the Account upon the occurrence of any event over which the Bank has no control, the Bank shall not be made liable for any loss or damage caused to the Customer and/or Biller as a result of such suspension, disconnection or termination. 

11.7 Exclusion of Liability 

11.7.1 Except as provided herein, the Bank shall not be liable to the Customer or any other person for any claim, loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the Bill Payment Service or MyPrime access to the Account or from the unauthorized use, interruption, unavailability or transmission of virus, failure to carry out instruction at the right time or any incorrectness, misstatements or omitted information or mistakes in payment or inter-account transfer, wrong debit/credit/prepaid card number or errors, deletion or failure that occurs as a result of any malfunction of the computer, software or system of the Biller or transaction reserved under these MyPrime Bill Payment Terms, or breach of confidentiality arising directly or indirectly from any other causes, expense or damages, including but not limited to loss of anticipated profit or other economic loss in connection with the Bill Payment Service or MyPrime access to the Account. 

11.7.2 The Bank shall be in no way responsible for any excess payment or partial payment made by the Customer while paying through the MyPrime. It is the discretion of the Customer and he/she will be solely responsible for any consequences as per the contract between the Biller and the Customer. The Bank assumes no responsibility on behalf of the Biller. 

11.7.3 Relevant BTRC rules will be applicable in case of mobile recharge through MyPrime service.  

11.8 Suspension of the Service 

The Bank may, at any time, without giving prior notice or reason, suspend or terminate all or any of the Bill Payment Service or their use by the Customer.  

11.9 Applicability of Other Terms 

Subject to the variance and changes made in these MyPrime Bill Payment Terms, the MyPrime Terms and the Common Terms and Conditions so far practicable shall be applicable for the Bill Payment Service.  

11.10 Other Terms 

11.10.1 The Bank will not be responsible for disconnection of the concerned bill pay service; 

11.10.2 The Bank shall not be held responsible for disconnection of the bill pay service for any reason by the 


11.10.3 This agreement does not bind the Bank as an agent of the Biller. The Bank shall not be responsible for the maintenance of the utility service providers. 

12. Common Terms & Conditions for MyPrime Internet Banking 


To be eligible to use any of the Internet Banking Services, Customer must maintain at least one CASA (Current & Savings Account) or a credit/prepaid card with the Bank. The Bank reserves the right to deny access or to limit access or transactions or to revoke access to the Internet Banking Services without advance notice to Customer at its sole discretion. 

12.1 Customer’s Undertakings and Liabilities 

12.1.1 Customer undertakes to use the Services subject to the Bank’s stated process. 

12.1.2 After the Customer’s first use of any of the Services, he/she shall be deemed to have accepted and be bound by terms and conditions of the relevant Services. 

12.1.3 Customer warrants that all information provided by Customer to the Bank in relation to the Services are true, accurate and complete and should take liability for any consequences therefore. 

12.1.4 Customer undertakes that the Bank has the right to use his/her personal information and account information, and the Bank will make efforts to ensure the information confidential in the Bank unless: There are any requirements to disclose the information in any relevant laws or regulations or from the government or any supervisory organizations. It is necessary to disclose the information so as to prevent fraud. In order to provide the Services, some of the information must be disclosed according to the decision of the Bank. To provide related information to authorized organizations according to the laws. 

12.1.5 Only terms and conditions related to account officially provided by the Bank in writing are the basis the Customer could use as to execute his/her rights. 

12.1.6 Customer must compensate the Bank for any loss the Bank suffers as a result of his/her breaking any of the terms and conditions for MyPrime service; and these Common Terms and Conditions. 

13. Personal and Use of Sensitive Data

MyPrime will collect following user data:


14. The Bank’s Liabilities 


14.1 In any event, the Bank will not be liable for any loss or damage to Customer if any of the Services or any feature or functionality of any of the Services is not available to Customer, including any direct, indirect, consequential or special loss. 

14.2 Examples of circumstances in which the Bank will NOT be liable to Customer for any loss or damage resulting from the use of the Services include (but are not limited to): 

14.2.1 Acting on an instruction which has been validly authenticated as coming from Customer but which in fact may have been given by somebody else through the fraudulent use of customer’s Mobile Phone Number, MyPrime Password and Bill Payment Subscriber ID; or 

14.2.2 Any incompatibility between any of the Services of the Bank and customer’s equipment and systems, e.g. Smartphone, Tab, mobile subscriber system and/or software; or 

14.2.3 Any machine, system or communications failure, industrial dispute or other circumstances beyond the Bank’s control that leads either to any of the Services being totally or partially unavailable or to instructions given via the Services not being acted upon promptly or at all; or 

14.2.4 Customer’s reliance on any financial information provided as part, or by means, of the Services; or 

14.2.5 Any misuse of customer’s aforesaid equipment and/or systems by Customer or anyone else; or 

14.2.6 Any access to information about customer’s account(s) which is obtained by a third party;  

14.3 In the event that Customer suffers any loss or damage as a result of using the Services, the Bank shall only be liable for direct loss or damage which, in the ordinary course of events, might reasonably be expected to result from the circumstances in question and only if such loss or damage is proven, beyond reasonable doubt, to have been caused by the Bank’s gross negligence or willful default. Furthermore, under no circumstances whatsoever will the total liability of the Bank in connection with any of the Services exceed the fees/charges actually received by the Bank from Customer in the preceding six months’ period. 

14.4 Unless it can be proven beyond all reasonable doubt that the Bank is at fault, we will not be liable to Customer for any losses Customer suffers or costs Customer incurs because of the following reasons: 

14.4.1 Customer is unable to access or use MyPrime for any reason or there is a delay in its use; 

14.4.2 Any device, hardware or software Customer use for the mentioned banking service is damaged or corrupted or fails to work; 

14.4.3 MyPrime does not work as Customer expects, does not meet customer’s requirements or contains errors or defects or we fail to correct these; or 

14.4.4 There is a reduced level or failure to provide any service caused by any third party service providers including software providers and mobile operators. 

15. Reporting Unauthorized Transaction and Error Resolution 

15.1 If Customer suspects that unauthorized transactions are being made from customer’s Account or credit/prepaid card, Customer should change the MyPrime Password immediately and notify the Bank. 

15.2 If Customer finds any periodic statement to be incorrect or want more information about a transaction or have reason to believe that the Bank has executed customer’s instructions incorrectly, Customer should contact the Bank in writing or over telephone within ten (10) business days upon receiving customer’s statement, with following information: Customer Name, Account or Debit Card/Credit Card/Prepaid Card Number, Transaction Details, Transaction Reference Number etc., Otherwise, Customer will be deemed to have accepted all the transactions, statements and Bank’s execution of the instructions and take all the responsibilities/loss/liabilities. 

15.3 We strongly advise Customer to check all bank statements for any unauthorized transactions. 

15.4 Should any unauthorized transaction take place we shall carry out an investigation and notify Customer the result of the same within fifteen (15) business days upon receipt of the notification and will correct the error (if any) promptly. If the Bank needs more time to investigate, we will inform Customer accordingly and this may take up to ninety (90) working days. 

15.5. Customer should contact the Bank’s Contact Center at 16218 or 02223383837 (Locally) and +88 09604016218 or +88 09612316218 (From overseas) or any other number the Bank may advise from time to time for this purpose. 

15.6. If Customer disclose or suspect that customer’s MyPrime Password or any part of it is known to someone else, Customer must immediately change it personally through the Services. If this is not possible, Customer must notify the Bank immediately by calling 16218 or 02223383837 (Locally) and +88 09604016218 or +88 09612316218 (From overseas) or any other number the Bank may advise from time to time for this purpose. The Bank may suspend use of the Services until Customer visit a branch to unlock it. 

16. Availability of Services and Disruption 


Customer hereby acknowledges that the provision of the MyPrime Services and MyPrime access to the accounts is dependent upon the continued availability of communication, processing, function and other facilities of the applicable systems, and the Bank cannot warrant such availability at all times. The Bank is entitled to suspend, disconnect or discontinue the provision of the Services or MyPrime access to the account by prior notification in the notification centers/website/mobile for the purpose of carrying out the maintenance, upgrades or other work. In the event the Bank suspends, disconnects or terminates the Services or MyPrime access to the account upon the occurrence of any event over which the Bank has no control, the Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused to Customer as a result of such suspension, disconnection or termination. 

17. Communications 


17.1 Any complaints in connection with the Services should be directed to the Bank’s Contact Center as described above. 

17.2 Except for the Bank’s Contact Center, Customer can also notify the Bank by visiting any Bank branch where Customer have opened an account. 

17.3 Please ensure that all customer’s details, including customer’s address is accurate and up-to-date as all correspondence shall be sent to the address given to the Bank. In case of a change in address or any details, Customer is required to inform the Bank immediately. 

17.4 The Bank shall in no way, be responsible for any act or omission that occurs as a result of Customer failing comply with the clauses of this terms and conditions document.

18. The Bank’s Advertisement 


From time to time the Bank may advertise its own products and services and those of the subsidiaries of the Bank through the Services. If, in connection with other agreements with the Bank, Customer have asked the Bank not to send Customer any marketing material, please be informed that this restriction will not apply to these advertisements.  

19. Security Precautions 


19.1 The Customer should change his/her MyPrime Password regularly and shall do so whenever the Services require him/her to do so. Customer cannot choose last three (03) passwords as a new MyPrime password.

19.2 Whenever Customer chooses a MyPrime Password he/she must take care not to choose a number that is easily to be guessed by anyone trying to access the Services pretending to be him/her. For example, Customer should avoid his/her own or a relative's birthday, or any part of his/her telephone number; 

19.3 For security purposes it is recommended that the customer must use the latest/updated version of the browser of customer’s choice while using MyPrime web. Similarly, customer must update their smartphone software to their latest versions so that the devices are updated with the latest security patches, in order to ensure proper application security. 

19.3 Customer must take all reasonable steps to ensure that he/she safeguards his/her MyPrime Password, mobile phone recording of Identified Mobile Phone Number and Bill Payment Subscriber ID at all times, whenever possible. He/she must not disclose any details of his MyPrime Password and any credential to anyone else, to a member of the Bank’s staff, or to someone giving assistance on MyPrime Help Desk or Contact Center or anyone in connection with the Services; 

19.4 Customer must not record his/her MyPrime Password in a way that could make it recognizable by someone else as password; 

19.5 If the Customer discloses or suspects that his/her Bill Payment Subscriber ID, and MyPrime Password or any part of it is known to someone else, he/she must immediately change the MyPrime Password, Bill Payment Subscriber ID personally through the Services. If this is not possible, he/she must notify the Bank immediately by calling 16219 or 02223383837 (Locally) and +88 09604016219 or +88 09612316219 (From overseas) (or any other number the Bank may advise him/her of from time to time for this purpose). The Bank may suspend use of the Services until customer goes to any branch or contacts the hotline to unlock it. 

19.6 Customer must not allow anyone else to operate the Services on his/her behalf. Bank will not take responsibility to any activity, transactions occurred due to customer allowing someone else accessing their account.  

19.7 Customer must not request any bank employee to set password on behalf of him to MyPrime 

19.8 Customer must not leave his/her system unattended while he/she is on-line to the Services. This applies whether the Customer’s system is a device the Customer has sourced independently of the Bank or a device provided by the Bank to access the Services in one of the branches of the Bank. However, the public nature of our branches makes it particularly important that if the Customer access the Services from a device in one of the branches of the Bank the Customer does not leave that device unattended while online and the Customer ensures that he/she has gone off-line before leaving the branch. 

19.9 Customer must not access the Services from any device connected to a local area network (or LAN), or internet connectivity through WIFI network in public places such as an office environment or restaurant without first making sure that no one else is able to observe or copy access of the Customer or obtain access to the Services pretending to be the Customer. 

19.10 Customer understands that the Bank has implemented a security procedure for the purpose of verifying the authenticity of the payment instructions transmitted to the Bank by the Customer, and not for the purpose of detecting errors in such instructions. Customer agrees that this procedure constitutes a commercially responsible method of providing security against unauthorized instruction. Customer agrees to be bound by any instruction issued by the MyPrime Password, Bill Payment Subscriber ID and received and verified by the Bank in accordance with such security procedure, and Customer shall indemnify and hold the Bank harmless from and against any loss suffered or liability incurred by, or arising from, the execution of instruction in good faith and in compliance with such security procedure. 

19.11 Customers hereby understand, acknowledge and confirm their awareness of the numerous risks inherent and associated in conveying Instruction to the Bank via internet and MyPrime (including but not limited to damages incurred as a result of viruses within the machine or terminal, lack of clarity in the instruction and any risks associated with the Bank processing a forged/tampered instruction in good faith) and hereby confirm their acceptance of all risks and unconditionally agrees that all risks shall be fully borne by them and the Bank will not be liable for any losses or damages arising as a consequence the Bank acting (without being obliged to) on any instruction by them or purporting to be from them received by the Bank provided the Bank has acted in good faith. 

19.12 Customer must comply with any other requirements designed to protect the security of his/her use of the Services which are notified by the Bank to him/her in any other way. 

19.13 The Internet by itself is vulnerable to a number of frauds, misuses, hacking, phishing and other actions which could affect MyPrime service of the Bank. Whilst the Bank shall aim to provide security to prevent the same, there cannot be any guarantee from such Internet frauds, hacking and other actions which could affect MyPrime Service of the Bank. The customer shall separately evaluate all risks arising out of the same. 

19.14 In order to comply with Payment Card Industry Data security (also known as PCI DSS) compliance requirements or any other global standards and regulatory requirements PRIME BANK LIMITED reserves the right to make changes to the platform as required. 

20. Ownership Rights in Connection with the Service Software and Other Information


20.1 By supplying the Service Software to access the Services, the Bank is granting Customer a nonexclusive, non-transferable, temporary license to use the Service Software for the purpose of accessing the Services, and for no other purpose. Therefore, Customer must not: 

20.1.1 Use them except in connection with accessing the Services; 

20.1.2 Make copies, sell, assign, commercially rent, sub-license, and otherwise transfer them to any third party; 

20.1.3 Try to decompile, reverse engineer, input or compile any of the Service Software 

20.2 If Customer uses the Services in other regions outside Bangladesh, Customer is responsible to comply with the local laws including but not limited to obtain necessary licenses/certificates to import/export the Service Software. 

21. Termination 


21.1 The Bank may, at any time, without giving prior notice or reason, suspend or terminate all or any of the MyPrime Services or their use. The Bank is not liable for any loss resulting from the action of the Bank. 

21.2 Customers can terminate the Services by visiting any branch of the Bank and on submission of a written termination letter/instruction. 

21.3 Upon termination the Bank shall not refund the Service fee and other related fee and charges that it has already charged. 

22. The Validity of the Terms 


22.1 If one or part of the terms and conditions of the MyPrime proves to be legally unsound or unenforceable in any way, this will not affect the validity of the remaining terms and conditions. 

22.2 If the Bank waives any of the terms and conditions of the MyPrime Services once, this may be on a temporary basis or as a special case only. Such waiver shall not be deemed to be a continuing waiver of the terms and conditions of the MyPrime Services.   

23. Assignment 


The Bank may assign its rights and delegate its duties under the terms and conditions for MyPrime Services to any present and future, directly or indirectly, affiliated company or to any third party for performance. 

24. Governing Law and Jurisdiction 


The establishment, effectuation, implementation and explanation of terms and conditions for MyPrime Service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of

Bangladesh. Each of the Services shall be provided by the Bank and the said Services will be availed by customer subject to the provisions of all applicable operating circulars of Bangladesh Bank, the Bank and any other applicable provisions or laws of the land including Anti Money Laundering Act. 

25.  Force Majeure/Technical Glitches 


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, nothing herein shall apply if the Bank is prevented from discharging any or all of its obligation herein or otherwise due to any cause arising out of or related to Force Majeure event or Technical Glitches or for any reasons beyond the reasonable control of the Bank. 

26. Other Clauses 


26.1. The terms and conditions for the MyPrime Internet Banking Services shall prevail for the purpose of related Services. 

26.2. Any notification from the Bank to Customer shall be deemed as received by Customer through the Bank’s website or other publication. 

27. Amendments 


The Bank is entitled to revise the terms and conditions and/or introduce additional terms and conditions at any time and from time to time at its sole and absolute discretion. Any revision and/or addition to these terms and conditions shall take effect subject to the Bank giving reasonable notice to the Customer which may be given by publishing or posting it on its website or by display, advertisement or other means as the Bank considers proper, and shall be binding on the Customer if the Customer continues to maintain or use the Services on or after the effective date of variation.